Key Stage 3 - Years 7 to 9
Key Stage 3 covers the first three years of secondary education.
At the New English School we broadly follow the National Curriculum of England, however we also have the freedom to forge our own path, taking the best ideas in education from around the world. Our intention at the New English School is to strive towards shaping the global citizens of tomorrow and we do this by enabling our students to experience as many opportunities in learning as possible, and at Key Stage 3, to ensure a smooth transition to the IGCSE courses available to students in Year 10.
Throughout Year 9 students begin thinking about subject option choices and their future career paths. We recognise that there will be many careers that have not even been thought of yet, and that many of our students may go on to follow. Our aim to to encourage students to realise that there is a world of opportunity awaiting them.
The core curriculum in Years 7 - 9 includes: art and design, biology, chemistry, computer studies, drama, English, French, geography, history, mathematics, music, physical education and physics.
In addition, all students, regardless of nationality must study Arabic, and those students who are Muslim (including foreigners), must undertake Islamic Studies. Students in Years 7 and 8 undertake Middle East Social Studies as well. These are legal requirements from the Kuwait Ministry of Education.
Students who are not Muslim follow a programme of ‘project lessons’ which includes: first aid, Spanish culture, business foundation and entrepreneurship classes to name but a few.
PSHE is taught in Years 7 and 8 and alternates with Library lessons.
PSHE lessons at NES promote and encourage our students to be healthy; stay safe; enjoy and achieve; develop thinking skills; build character and resilience and become independent, critical learners and thinkers. It forms an integral and important part of the school's effort to respond to the needs of our students, to identify key concepts and skills that underpin the ethos and values of NES, to safeguard and empower our students and ultimately to enrich our community in supporting students spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development.
Students in Years 7 - 9 also have the opportunity to follow the LEAP Award. This is a voluntary programme that encourages and challenges students to ‘Lead’, ‘Engage’, ‘Achieve’ and ‘Progress’. It is part of the enrichment programme offered to students at NES and it encourages students to demonstrate independence and personal accomplishments whilst contributing productively to the school and wider community.
PSHE and LEAP Award lessons are delivered and guided by form tutors.
Placement and Setting
Students are initially placed in a form class based on the results of a placement test in English and Mathematics. These form classes are streamed and reviewed on a yearly basis.
Students are independently setted for Mathematics, English, French and Arabic; movement in these subjects may take place when the need arises and at the discretion of the department concerned.
Students who are new to the English Language or for whom the study of three languages may be too great a challenge may take Intensive English as an alternative to French.
Induction Day
Moving to a new school or even to the next Key Stage can be daunting. Our Induction Day is intended to help new students to NES, and all students beginning Year 7, to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings, meet their form tutors, become acquainted with the school environment and feel more comfortable on their first full day. The Induction Day takes place the day before the main student body arrives.
Students will also take a baseline assessment from the University of Durham. The baseline assessment enables us to understand students’ learning needs and helps us to monitor progress and potential.
Throughout the day students will: attend an assembly, be issued with a chromebook and a G Suite account, attend a ‘Fresher’s Fair’ and make new friends.
Uniform Requirements
Full details of the Secondary department uniform requirements
Approved school shoes
Please be aware that there are specific requirements for shoes that are acceptable at NES. Please check the uniform document for the styles that are allowed by the school before you purchase school shoes for your child.
The purpose is to protect students feet and provide support. They should have a moulded sole and heel and should look similar to the styles shown on the uniform document. The school reserves the right to ask students to change their footwear if a different style of shoe is worn.