A Global Citizen is someone who:
- Is aware of the wider world and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen.
- Respects and values diversity.
- Has an understanding of how the world works.
- Is aware of and willing to work to eradicate social injustice.
- Participates in the community at a range of levels, from the local to the global.
- Is willing to act to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place.
- Takes responsibility for their actions.
Our world is increasingly connected and young people need the ability to network and collaborate effectively in order to make a valuable contribution. They also need to be flexible, creative thinkers who are able to use technology confidently.
The mission of the New English School is to support students Towards Global Citizenship, who are resilient life-long learners, willing to make a contribution at both the local and global level. Some of our alumni are already leaders on the global stage and we aim to support all of our students to be able to have a positive impact on the global society.
The school Environmental initiative was started in 2006 and from very small beginnings it has grown into a club of over one hundred members today raising awareness within the school community.
Our motto for the club is “My beautiful Kuwait” and it is our duty as residents of this country, to have a positive impact on our society. The adage “act local, think global”, ties in perfectly with our school mission of Towards Global Citizenship, in which we aim to engender respect and care for our planet and all living things.
Taking responsibility starts with our immediate environment, namely our school and school grounds. Keeping the grounds litter free, reducing our usage of materials that just end up in a land fill, reusing materials where possible and recycling what can be economically processed. With this in mind the environmental club is involved in a number of initiatives:
- Break time litter patrols to promote responsible behavior from the students and encourage reduced littering.
- Production of environmentally themed educational material which is shared school wide.
- Actively living our motto to reduce and reuse before looking at recycling. One such initiative is reusing cardboard boxes and decorating them to be used as recycling boxes.
- School wide challenges to create awareness and challenge old habits, so we can start reducing our usage of consumables and hence reduce our contribution to the solid waste problem in Kuwait.
- Education initiatives aimed at the club members to better equip them to promote environmental issues.
- Community programs such as beach clean ups.
Please join us in this adventure and support the school’s initiative in this extremely important global issue.